Friday, December 19, 2008

[Original - FULL VERSION] Dominoes Techno Chicken - FUNNY

This is officially the dumbest but funniest thing I have ever seen!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Baby Grinch Eats Santa

This scene from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" makes me laugh so hard! Thought you might enjoy it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Crazy Cow

This makes me want to have some MILK! it does a body good you know!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Soak it Off!

Hey friends, I was just thinking about taking a bath and relaxing and thought you might want to know that if you put some Epsom Salt in while you are taking a bath it will help you detox and relax at the same time! If you read the instructions on the back of most Epsom Salt packages it will tell you how much to use! Depending on how toxic you are you can put more or less!

Have fun in the tubby kids!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

This is what I used to do in my party days. I used to run down the street looking like I have some kind of twitch and lip syncing to stuff!

I also used to talk on the phone while I was standing in the SHOWER? What? Just kidding- that is just dumb!

Anyways.... thought you ladies out there would get a kick out of this!

So get into some 80's clothes and lets go run around town scaring people!

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Baby is Scared of the Big Bad Monster

So, here is my two cents about the whole nightmare drama... It seems that if I eat late or have an upset stomach I have nightmares...The even funner times are when my little boy comes in my room and needs me to calm him down because he can't go back to sleep he is so scared. I decided that I would look up the cause to all of this and see if it was true or not.

I stumbled upon a web site that actually gives you instructions on how to have nightmares so I thought I would be so kind as to share them with you!

How to Induce Nightmares
By eHow Health Editor

Although most people do not enjoy having nightmares, some people actually look forward to them and try to induce them whenever they can. These people are often the same people that enjoy watching scary movies and reading frightening books. They enjoy the adrenaline rush that often follows a terrifying nightmare.

InstructionsDifficulty: Moderate

Step1 Take a vitamin B6 pill about an hour before bedtime. The B6 has been proven to increase the intensity of dreams.
Step2 Think about what scares you most before you fall asleep at night. If your biggest fear is being stalked by a maniacal killer, imagine him hiding in your closet or under your bed. Concentrate on the scenario that works best for you, and let yourself drift off to sleep with these thoughts on your mind. Often our dreams center around the last thoughts we had before going to sleep.
Step3 Fall asleep watching a very scary movie. Again, pick a movie where the story plot coincides with a realistic fear for you. Or if reading is your preference, crawl into bed with a scary book.
Step4 Eat a snack while you are in bed watching that scary movie. Eating increases brain activity. Some people find that eating late at night causes them to have nightmares. Try spicy and salty foods, as these have a greater chance of helping you to induce nightmares.
Step5 Cover your head while you sleep. There is no medical proof of this, but many people have found that if they wear a hat to bed or pull the blankets up over their head, they can induce nightmares.
Step6 Slip on a pair of socks. While some people believe covering their head induces nightmares, other people have found the same effect if they cover their feet while sleeping.

Tips and warnings
It is not a good idea to induce nightmares every night. To get the rest that your body needs, it is important to get some nights of peaceful sleep.

It can sometimes be difficult for our subconscious to know the difference between dreams and reality. If you are starting to feel paranoid or afraid while you are awake stop inducing nightmares and see a professional counselor.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Have Optimus Prime call your friends!

Here at Smarty Pants we like to do funny things and make people laugh! One way you can participate in the fun is to have our Transformers friend Optimus Prime call your friends and loved ones to give them a pretty funny message! You can go to to start the fun!

Have an amazing day and LETS ROLL OUT!

Fun with Treadmills

Did you know walking on the treadmill on an uphill climb will burn twice the calories as just walking flat? Yep, I know this! I'm the smarty pants remember! So get out there and work out that hot body! Yeha!

Welcome to my smarty pants page!

Here on this blog we will find random and funny things to be smart about! I'm not sure how many things I will find so you may see a post each day, each week, or if I feel really smart a whole lot of times!

My name is Niesja and it's pronounced Nesha! I'm just your average Mom, Been married for 7+ years, likes to do a lot of fun things like snowboarding, hiking, swimming, playing the piano, singing and making fun of people! I didn't graduate from college yet, but I sure have a lot of funny things to talk about and thought you might enjoy hearing all about it.

The only rule for this blog is that you can't take me too seriously people. I like to be funny so if you don't get my humor don't get all offended.... I'm going to try and keep this as kid friendly as possible but sometimes things are too funny to not write about!

We are going to have lots of fun here so feel free to share this with all your friends and enemies!